The student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) is an essential programme that all students offering the following courses: Engineering, Mass Communication, Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Math and Statistics, Office Technology and Management and other science-related courses are engaged to participate.

How does a good siwes report should look like?

For example we’ll be looking at the siwes report prepared by oluwamuyide seyi to the great citadel of The polytechnic ibadan






MATRIC NO: 2018702030212









This is to certify that this SIWES report on the experience acquired at ITF OBAKRA, ALONG AGEGE ROAD IKEJA LAGOS STATE as been put together by Oluwamuyide Seyi Peter with matriculation number 2018702030212 , under the supervisor ENGR. E.T Opaleye

 in the Department of Electrical Engineering, The Polytechnic, Ibadan.

_____________________ _____________

Engr. Oluwamuyide Emmanuel Date  

Industrial Supervisor 

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SIWES Supervisor 

______________________ ____________

Engr. Ashim Date



I dedicated this SIWES report to the Almighty God who gave me the strength, knowledge and wisdom throughout the period of my four months industrial training scheme.


I will like to acknowledge my parent Mr. & Mrs. Oluwamuyide for their immense support, my lecturers Mr E.T. OPALEYE , Engr. Oluwamuyide Emmanuel and all who have contributed to this point in the success of my academic pursuit.


This report consists of the work done at ITF OBAKRA, ALONG AGEGE ROAD IKEJA LAGOS STATE, which contains Chapter one is all about introduction, SIWES programs, problems encounter, chapter two comprises of workshop safety precaution, general safety, workshop safety, hand tool safety, workshop tools and uses, aim and objectives chapter three include theory behind experience, automobile, automobile repair workshop and who is an automobile machine. Chapter four experience gained during SIWES, how to repair in workshop, motor parts and its function and conclusion.



SIWES – student industrial work experience scheme was established by the ITF in 1973 to solve the problem of lack of adequate practical skills preparatory for employment in industry by Nigerian graduates of Tertiary Institution.

One of the primary goals of SIWES is to help students develop leadership into the experiential learning process. Students are expected to learn and develop leadership basic and essential class through a monitoring relationship with innovation of non profit leader.

Participation in SIWES has become a necessary pre-condition for the award of Diploma and degree certificate in specific disciplines in most institution of higher learning in the accordance with the education policy of government.  


The objective SIWES are as follows:

i. Provide avenue for student to acquire industrial skill and experience in approve course of study

ii. Provide opportunity for student to apply their knowledge in real work situation thereby bridging the gap between theory and practical

iii. It prepares the trainee for working situations challenges after graduation

iv. It exposes trainee to work method and techniques in equipment handling and machinery that may not be available in education institution.   


Transportation: The cost of transportation from where I resident to the organization is much due to the long distance between them

Another problem encountered is being sent on errands to various places

Some workers there were not ready to impact their practical knowledge.



Wiring of 13A Switched Socket outlet points is very much in need in Electrical Installation Work. Here we are considering wiring a 13A Socket Outlet [Receptacle] point for 50Hz, 230V AC Power Supply. Installation work described here is according to British Standards. [IEE Regulations and Practice].

13A Switched Socket outlets need to be wired in a special way called ” Ring Circuits” or in ” Radial Circuits”

When used in Ring Circuits, each circuit can be used in a floor area of 100 sq. meters with a number of 13A Switched Socket outlets [13A receptacles] connected to a 32A rated MCB using 2.5 mm2 cables for L,N and E.

When used in Radial Circuits, each circuit can be used in a floor area of 20 sq. meters with a number of 13A Switched Socket outlets [13A receptacles] connected to a 20A rated MCB using 2.5 mm2 cables for L,N and E.

13 Amps socket

Material Requirement

” Ring Circuits” or ” Radial Circuits” use, 2.5 mm2 [called as 1.5 mm squared] Cross sectioned double insulated Cu [Copper] Cables [Cu/PVC/PVC] are used for the Phase [Live ] and the Neutral cables.

Earth [Ground ]cable also should be 2.5mm2 single insulated Cu[Copper] Cables [Cu/PVC] for both Industrial or Residential type of applications.

Cable lengths for the above circuits will be such that voltage drop along the cables will be within the approved limits of 10% of Supply Voltage.

Accessory Requirement

PVC Boxes to install the 13A Switched Socket outlets

13A Switched Socket outlets [Single or Double]

MCB 32A -01 nos [ from a Distribution Board already installed] for Ring Circuits

MCB 20A -01 nos [ from a Distribution Board already installed] for Radial Circuits


Install the socket outlet boxes at the required positions. Lay PVC conduits from the Distribution Board to the receptacle positions. The conduits can be embedded into the wall structure and or lay outside, clipped to the wall or structure. Instead of PVC conduits and switch boxes, GI conduits and switch boxes are being used for Industrial type of installations where you need protection for cables from physical damage. In some wooden structured buildings, the cables are installed inside panels without conduits being used. The Cables should be colour coded correctly for Phase[Live],Neutral and Earth.

Method of Wiring -Ring Circuits

Make sure that the Power is isolated [shut down] to the Distribution board or any circuit you will be working with.

Connect the Phase [L] wire to the outgoing side of a 32A MCB from the Distribution Board [DB]. Draw the Phase wire to the socket outlet box and connect to terminal marked as L [Line] of the nearest 13A receptacle.

Connect the Neutral [N] wire to the Neutral Link provided in the DB and draw the wire to the nearest 13A receptacle and connect to the terminal marked as N [Neutral].

Connect the Earth [E] wire to the Earth link provided in the Distribution Board. Draw Earth wire to the nearest receptacle and connect to the terminal marked as E [Earth].

Now we have all three wires L,N,E from the Distribution Board connected to the first receptacle .

From the same socket outlet, take another set of 3 wires from L,N,E and connect to the second socket outlet.

From the second socket outlet, take another set of 3 wires from L,N,E and connect to the third socket outlet.

Proceed like this until you come to the last 13A socket outlet. From this last socket outlet take the 3 wires L,N,E and draw up to the Distribution Board again and connect Line [L] to the same 32A MCB. N to the same neutral link and Earth to the earth link.

From each 13A socket outlet, you can wire for another 13A socket outlet, which is called a “Spur”.

It is good practice to number the Phase and the Neutral wires at the DB for easy identification as one circuit.

Method of Wiring -Radial Circuits

Make sure that the Power is isolated [shut down] to the Distribution board or any circuit you will be working with.

Connect the Phase [L] wire to the outgoing side of a 20A MCB from the Distribution Board [DB]. Draw the Phase wire to the socket outlet box and connect to terminal marked as L [Line] of the nearest 13A receptacle.

Connect the Neutral [N] wire to the Neutral Link provided in the DB and draw the wire to the nearest 13A receptacle and connect to the terminal marked as N [Neutral].

Connect the Earth [E] wire to the Earth link provided in the Distribution Board. Draw Earth wire to the nearest receptacle and connect to the terminal marked as E [Earth].

Now we have all three wires L,N,E from the Distribution Board connected to the first receptacle .

From the same socket outlet, take another set of 3 wires from L,N,E and connect to the second socket outlet.

From the second socket outlet, take another set of 3 wires from L,N,E and connect to the third socket outlet.

Proceed like this until you come to the last 13A socket outlet. Here you do not connect another set of cables back to the Distribution Board.

From each 13A socket outlet, you can wire for another 13A socket outlet, which is called a “Spur”.



Pipe 25mm2 and pipe of 20mm2

Bending spring 25mm2 and bending spring 20mm2

Fishing tape

Fishing wire

Saw blade


Red, black and green wire 

3 by 3 looping box

3 by 6 (3 x 6) box

Cutting machine 

Chisel and hammer 

Drop box


First three wires were passed (2 red, 1 black) from the distribution board (D.B) to House 1.

For House 1. The two red and 1 black with the aid of fishing tape, is been drawn from pipe to the socket box. Here 1 black, 1 earth wire and 1 red will be taken to this point to serve the socket while the other red will be flushed to the switch box made for light 1 and light 2.

Note: Neutral is not essential or needed at the switch box/light.

The Wires Used

For socket connection, 2.5mm2 wire was used.

For air conditioner 4mm2 wire 

For light connection 1.5mm2 wire 

From the switch box, we flushed wire from the distribution board (D.B) to the socket and to the light switch (the purpose is to endeavor that current is available for the switch to take each lighting points ( I.e light 1 and light 2) after two wires were measured due to their distance from light 1 to light 2.

Then afterwards, neutral wire (black wire) was looped from the socket to light one (1) another wire was looped again from light 1 to the light 2.   

Note: The neutral wire looped from the socket to light 1 and light 2 was done in order to achieve perfect connection.

For A.C. Connection 

Note: For all AC i.e. Air Conditioner connection, is not expected for an electrician to undergo looping; for it can cause ineffectiveness and heating of the A.C, due to the current consumption of the Air Conditioner. So therefore no looping is done for air conditioner.

It’s wired from the distribution board (D.B) through pipes to the Air Conditioner board. 4mm2 cable wire was used black (1) and red (1) and 1.5mm earth (1), so as to ensure prefect connection.

The wire going to the Air Conditioner switch, is called the incoming wire while the wire going from the Air Conditioner switch to the Air conditioner itself, is called outgoing wire.

Wire used: 4mm2 cable wire for Red and Black and also 1.5mm for earth wire.


Socket: Socket is used to plug and charge things like phones, television, dstv, personal computer. It’s not used to on/off light, it’s only used to give current (i.e. to charge/plug) to devices /appliances.

Switch: It’s used to control lights and not use to plug/charge appliances/devices.

Switch Connection 

When connecting switch you make use of only Red (Life) wire; to carry electrical current from the distribution board. The electric current is also known as electrons.

Connection Of Two Way Switch At Each Corridor For 4-Storey Buildings

For the connection of two way switch mostly used for corridor to on/off light either from both ends of the corridor. And it is also used at the step light.


Eight (8) lights are to be fix on the corridor, all through, we loop each light together except the first light (light 1) and last light (light 8) due to the fact that this is the place where black and red wire was taken.

For The Two Way Switch Connection 

One red (life) and two black (two-way) was taken from the distribution board (D.B) through conduit pipes to one of the ends of the switch box.

The two black wire used for two-way was measured from the first end switch to the other last end switch to the other last end switch. And was passed through the conduit piping with the aid of fishing tape, while the other 1 red (1) wire from the distribution board (D.B) through conduits pipe.

One (1) mains was taken from the distribution board (D.B) i.e. lie wire at one end switch and another neutral wire (means) from another end switch. While the two-way wire was passed from one end switch to the other.

Looping: means connecting source of light called mains, with another same wire given the desirable length so as to give it current and perfection connection of electricity.

We loop by connecting one red, one black to the first light, and cut it to the normal size of the light fittings and fix another one red (life) and one black (neutral) to the same light and connect it to the second light and so on till it reach the desirable junction.


After connection what one will observe is that the first light till light seven (7) contains 4 wires each i.e. two loop forward (going) and two loop backwards, while the last light (8) contains just two (2) wires. The reason is that the first light give current to the other light through looping.

How air conditioning works

We’ve all come to rely on air conditioning to create a healthy and comfortable environment for our employees and customers.

During normal operation of an air conditioning system, cold air is supplied through the building’s ductwork, where impurities and contaminants are removed through the system’s filters.

But how is this air cooled, and what should you know about the operation of your air conditioning system?

Air conditioning system

Most central air conditioning systems use a “split-system.” This means there is a compressor and condenser outside the building, and evaporator coils and ducts inside the building.

These two systems are connected by two copper pipes. The smaller pipe contains high-pressure, liquid refrigerant that flows into the building to capture heat. And the larger pipe contains low-pressure gas refrigerant that flows out of the building to release heat.

It is important to understand that the refrigerant is the means by which heat is collected from the building, moved outside and released into the outdoor air.

Thermal expansion valve

The flow of refrigerant is regulated by a thermal expansion valve. A temperature sensor at the outlet of the evaporator controls the amount of refrigerant that flows through the expansion valve and ensures the liquid refrigerant is vaporized before it leaves the evaporator.

The amount of refrigerant flowing depends on the amount of heat to be removed. When there’s more heat, more refrigerant is required. Less heat, and less refrigerant is needed.


The key to air conditioning is the boiling of the refrigerant in the evaporator. This boiling occurs by passing warm air over the evaporator coils causing the cold refrigerant to boil off into a gas.

For example, if cold refrigerant (40°F) flows through the evaporator and the air moving over the evaporator is 75°F, the cold 40°F refrigerant will absorb the heat from the relatively warm 75°F air.

The heat absorbed by the refrigerant travels outside to be discharged via the condenser, and the now cooler air travels back to the building interior to help cool the space.


The next step is to release the heat from the refrigerant gas outdoors. However, we just can’t take the refrigerant and pass it through an outdoor coil. This would just cause the refrigerant to heat up and collect even more heat. The solution is the compressor.

The compressor is the heart of the cooling cycle. It draws in cool, low-pressure refrigerant gas from the indoor evaporator.

The motor-driven compressor’s sole function is to squeeze the refrigerant, raising its temperature and pressure so that it can push out a hot, high pressure gas to the condenser.

This temperature is well beyond the outside air temperature, which allows the refrigerant to dump its heat into the 90+ degree F outdoor


As the gas enters the condenser, the heat is carried away by air that flows over the condenser coils. The heat that was absorbed by the refrigerant through the buildings evaporator, is now discharged to the outside air.

The outdoor fan located in the condenser cabinet draws in air through the sides of the condenser coil and discharges the warmer air through the top of the cabinet, which you can feel is usually over 100 degrees F.

The gas refrigerant entering the condenser is at a much higher temperature than the outside air, so by drawing air over the condenser coils the refrigerant releases its heat and cools back to a liquid.

The process then starts all over again. Watch our animated video to see this process in action



This is to have a collections of pipes from the distribution board and from the Air Conditioner sources in case of, if the distance from the distribution board (D.B) to where it’s needed is far. For instance, to draw Air Conditioner wire from the distribution board to a far distance seems very difficult and stressful to pass. But with the aid of adaptable /drop boxes it is more convenient to pass wire from one point source to another.

For all distribution board connection to Air Conditioner (A.C) source must be a direct connection with no looping at all because of the current consumption and Air conditioner socket, 25mm pipe, 4.0mm2 cable wire (R & B) are used for Air Conditioner connection including 1.5mm2 earth wire. While for the place 3 x 6 (3 by 6) sockets are used to charge computers, P.C, U.P.S or other strong consumption appliance like fridge, will also required 25mm pipe with 2.5mm2 cable wire. Anyway may be 20mm2 or 25mm2 pipe can be used for any connection due to the wire passing through it. 

1.5mm cable wire with 20mm2 pipe and 2.5mm cable wire with 25mm2 pipe are used for light and socket connection respectively.

Use 25mm2 bending spring to bend pipes of 25mm pipe to their required routes or location.

Use 20mm2 bending spring to bend pipe of 20mm2 pipe to their required location.

Fixing of Star Blocks on distribution board 

Though there are no expected or one reavired way to fix distribution board but it’s expected for and electrical engineer to fix the star blocks in the distribution board in an orderly manner.

Four distribution board (D.B) was used for each floor. Two distribution board (D.B) mainly for Air Conditioner connection while the other two distribution board (D.B) for light and sockets connections.

Star Block Used

30Amps star block = for Air Conditioner(due to the fact that Air Conditioner is 15Amps) 

30Amps star block = Also used for connection of two sockets wire

25 Amps star block = For Air Conditioner

16Amps star block = Also used for connection of two sockets wire 

10Amps and 6Amps = Light wires

Inside The Distribution Board (D.B)

All neutral wires are all connected to the neutral terminals of the distribution board (D.B). And are well and securely tighten to the distribution board.

All earth wires are all connected to each of the earth terminals on the distribution board. And are well tightened and secured connection is ensured.

Life wire: i.e. Red wires are connected to each reavired expected star blocks containing different Amps (current rating) due to its power consumption.

Trucking Wiring 

Wires are allowed to pass from each tucking to another till it reaches wehre it will be used with the aid o a fishing tape. All other things like water or engine oil are used to reduce the resistance of wire passage in the trucking.

All injured wires are been collelaped in order to avoid electric shock. It last long and it’s durable though very expensive. 

Conduit Piping Wiring 

All pipes are bent or shaped to their reavired or desired routes with the aid of bending spring. Ground are been dugged or wall used fo r passage of wires are been dugged with the aid of hammer and chisel. Drilling machine are been used for hard/strong walls e.g. concrete wall.

Coupler, man bush, female bush gums are used in conduit piping. Coupler are used to join one pipe to another. For instance, 25mm coupler is used to join one 25mm coupler to another.

After breaking of the walls/ground to the desired points cement and sand are used to ensure maintenance of the pipes and wires by covering it.


I gained a lot from this training in the sense that it helped me a lot in practical aspect to supplement the theoretical knowledge have gained while in school. 


As I’ve said earlier “the student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) is an essential programme that all students offering the following courses: Engineering, Mass Communication, Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Math and Statistics, Office Technology and Management and other science-related courses are engaged to participate”.

This programme creates rooms for acquiring more practical knowledge and even makes the students know how crucial is their courses to the society. The only way to improve this program is by continuous and thorough supervision by the SIWES coordinators in the institution to know how their students perform in their various places of training.


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