List four (4) parameters that determine the performance of a transmission line.


The four parameters that determine the performance of a transmission line is conductance, resistance, inductance and capacitance.

  1. RESISTANCE: Resistance is stated in ohms per meter length of a line and its represent the imperfection of a line. In other words, it obstruct or resist the flow of  current in a circuit. It’s measured in ohms [Ω]
  2. CAPACITANCE: It is the ratio of the charge on one plate of a capacitor to the voltage difference between the two plates. Its measured in farads [F]. Or it can be define as the ability of a capacitor to store charge.
  1. INDUCTANCE: Is a property in which an inductor, exhibit an opposition to the current flowing through it. Or it can be define as the process in which an E.M.F is produce to oppose the current flowing through it. It’s measured in henry [H]
  2. CONDUCTANCE:  It is an ability of an element to conduct electric current, it is measured in siemens[S]

Oluwamuyide Peter

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