With the aid of a block diagram explain the working principle of a gas turbine power plant

A gas turbine power plant iss the type of generating station that uses gas turbine as the prime over for the generation of electrical energy. The air combustion chamber where heat is added to air, thus raising its temperature. Heat is added to the compressed air either by burning fuel in the chamber or by the use of air heaters. The hot and pressured air from the combustion chamber is then passed to the has turbines when it expands and does the mechanical work. The gas turbine drives the alternator which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
B. With the aid of a block diagram explain the working principle of a steam power plant

The steam power station is the type of generating power station that converts heat energy to electrical energy. The steam is produced in the boiler by utilising the heat of coal combustion. The steam is then expand in the prime mover (i.e the steam turbine) and is condensed in a condenser to be fed in the boiler again. The steam turbine drives the alternator which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.