SUPPLY CHAIN ACADEMY RECOMMENDED ANSWERS FOR RGB CONVEYOR LINES including electrical/mechanical/mechatronics engineering science

  1. Which of the factors listed below is not considered when selecting the types of conveyor chains and components to be used on conveyor system.
    A) The types of product to be handled
    B) Any specification of conveyor chains and components available for supply.
    C) Operating condition of the line
    D) The specification of the conveyor chains and components
    The types of product to be handled: Yes, one of the factors to be considered when selecting a conveyor is the type of the product to be run. On RGB( returnable glass bottles) line they make use of steel conveyor while the bead conveyor is used for can lines because of the type of product. Glass bottle are will spoil the bead conveyor and the stainless conveyor will cause scratch or dent on can if used.
    Operating condition of the line: the operating condition of conveyor on RGB lines should be 45⁰ centigrade or below it varies for Pet( polyethylene teraphthalate) lines
    Any specification of conveyor chains and components available for supply: These factor is not considered when choosing a conveyor. For instance, coca-cola bottling company will not want to know if a manufacturer have their required or specified conveyor or not, if they don’t have what they’re looking for they will request it from a manufacturer that have what they’re looking for e.g krones or sidel
    So therefore, the correct answer is B ( any specification of conveyor chains and components available for supply)
  2. Split sprocket are mostly referred to one piece solid sprocket because
    A) They are more stable
    B) They are more cheaper
    C) They are more hygienic
    D) They are easier to install, maintain and inspect
    They are easier to install, maintain and inspect
  3. Listed below are benefits derived from proper and thorough cleaning of conveyor systems except
    A) Increased line availability
    B) Optimized line efficiency
    C) Increased number of line stoppages
    D) Apreciable reduction in maintenance cost
    Increased line availability: No matter how old a line is it will continue to produce optimally as soon as the trained personnel is properly maintaining that machine adequately.
    Optimized line efficiency: The efficiency of a line could be increased due to meticulous care of the conveyor system.
    Increased number of line stoppages: This is not part of the benefits of properly and thoroughly cleaning the conveyor system
    Appreciable reduction in maintenance cost: If a line is properly maintained the company has no reason to repair or replace the conveyor hereby reducing the cost of maintenance. Some of our lines conveyor or parts cost more than millions so a preventive maintenance will result to little or no cost of maintenance.
    The correct answer is C(increased number of line stoppages)
  4. Listed below are reasons why thorough cleaning of conveyor systems is necessary except
    A) To keep bacteria situation of the conveyor under control
    B) To optimize the service life of conveyor chains and components
    C) To increase the speed of the conveyors on the conveyor system
    D) To keep the friction level of the line low
    To keep bacteria situation of the conveyor under control: Meticulous care of the conveyor will prevent bacteria or contamination from entering the product.
    To optimize the service life of conveyor chains and components: How old a line or machine is doesn’t matter how optimally it will function as soon as the trained personnelis giving the machine proper maintenance
    To increase the speed of the conveyors on the conveyor system: Thorough clean of conveyor can’t increase the speed of the conveyor. The speed of the conveyor is determined by the speed of the machine operated at that particular time.
    To keep the friction level of the line low: There will be no resistance or restriction on the part of the conveyor system in order to run the line efficiently.
    The correct answer is C ( to increase the speed of the conveyors on the conveyor system)
  5. One of the stakeholders listed below is not involved in cleaning of conveyor systems
    A) Line managers and operators
    B) consumer of products
    C) conveyor line designer and manufacturer
    D) Manufacturers of conveyor chains and components
    Consumer of products: The consumers aren’t allowed to enter the line except for business matters talkless of cleaning or operating the machine.
  6. Chain elongation is mainly caused by
    A) Wear around the chain hinge
    B) Pull in the chain hinge
    C) Badly worn chain pin
    D) Badly worn chain plate
    It is mainly caused by badly worn chain pin
  7. Which of the tools below can be used to inspect the gap between sprocket and shaft in order to determine the level of wear of sprocket bore.
    A) Measuring tape
    B) Feeler gauge
    C) Vernier calliper
    D) Spring scale
    The feeler gauge can be used to inspect the gap between sprocket and shaft in order to determine the level of wear of sprocket bore.
  8. Which of the conveyor failures listed below will not require bearing replacement as a possible remedy.
    A) Excessive vibrations from bearings during operation
    B) Badly worn and elongated conveyor chains
    C) Excessive noise from bearing during operation
    D) Visible signs of fatigue and cracks on the cage and housing
    All of the following will cause it but a minimum of excessive vibrations from bearings during operation cannot cause change of bearing
  9. One of the following is not part of the conveyor
    A) Wear strip
    B) Chain guide
    C) Roller ball
    D) Idler roller
    The wear strip, chain guide and idler roller are part of the conveyor but roller ball can be only found on the filler machine
  10. Why is it important that the feet of the conveyor are on levelled ground?
    A) For rigidity
    B) For weight balancing
    C) All of the above
    D) Not for rigidity
    The feet of the conveyor are on levelled ground because of both rigidity an weight balancing. The weight of the product must be balanced for easy passage of the product and must be rigid to avoid fallen product
  11. The correct way to split a roller chain is to split the chain at the master link
    A) TRUE
    B) FALSE
    Yes, it is true. The master link is used to join the moving part of the conveyor to the other part of the conveyor for easy rotation of the conveyor. So to split the roller chain you must split the chain at the master link.
  12. A damage return roller can cause damage to;
    A) All of the above
    B) seizure of the roller
    C) Increased downtime
    D) Slat chain
    If a return roller is damage it can cause downtime, stoppage of the roller and damage to the slat chain connected to it. All of the above is the preferable answer
  13. Lubrication of the conveyor at the flange bearing is through the _______
    A) Opening
    B) Top
    C) Nipple
    D) Mouth
    The bearing of the conveyor can only be lubricated through the nibble.
  14. The following are signs of properly maintained conveyor system
    A) All of the following
    B) The slat chain must be replaced
    C) The collapsed bearing must be replace correctly
    D) The tension on the drive chain must be set correctly
    All of the above are signs of properly maintainance of the conveyor
  15. Is it necessary that the conveyor system is level at all times;
    A) To prevent slack and ensure adequate tensioning of the conveyor and also to prevent bottles falling over and causing breakages on the line
    B) To prevent the driving motor from carrying heavy loads
    C) To prevent the conveyor from over speeding during operation
    D) To improve the running time of the conveyor line
    Yes, to prevent slack and ensure adequate tensioning of the conveyor and also to prevent bottles falling over and causing breakages on the line.
  16. The main difference between a straight tab and flexible tab conveyor slat band is;
    A) The width
    B) The length
    C) The angle at the edge of the slat
    D) None of the above
    The main difference between a straight tab and flexible tab conveyor slat band is the angle at the edge of the slat. One of the tab angle is very close while the other is quite open
  17. These are part of the modern day conveyor except
    A) Sprocket
    B) Idler shaft
    C) Motor
    D) Pulley
    You can’t see a pulley in a modern day beverage and food company line or machine
  18. Which of these is not an appropriate check for conveyor systems
    A) Check sprocket tooth wear
    B) Check chain tension
    C) Check sustainability of hammer
    D) Check chain wear
    The other checks are okay but checking suitability of hammer seems useless here. Why should you check for the fitness of hammer why doing critical check on the conveyor?
  19. Before any form of maintenance must be carried out on the conveyor you must do one of the following
    A) All of the following
    B) Shut down safely
    C) Main power supply isolated
    D) Empty the conveyor
    I know you want to say empty the conveyor, but you’ve to ask yourself if it is possible to correct or do any maintenance on a machine that is still running. So you have to first, empty the conveyor then shut down the machine then after isolate the main power supply in order to avoid any other personnel from starting the machine
  20. Temperature of the motor driving the shaft of the conveyor motor must not exceed
    A) 45 degree centigrade
    B) 50 degree centigrade
    C) 55 degree centigrade
    D) 60 degree centigrade
    Temperature of the motor driving the shaft of the conveyor motor must not exceed 45 degree centigrade
  21. In removing a slat chain the following is a required tools except one
    A) Appropriate pin punch
    B) Spirit level
    C) Hammer
    D) Appropriate screw driver
    If you have been on the line before you would have seen the operator/trained personnel or the engineer in charge using appropriate pin punch, hammer and screw driver but plumb or spirit level used by mostly bricklayers aren’t the required tools used in removing a slat chain.
  22. It is ideal to have the master link of drive chain face inward instead of outward
    A) TRUE
    B) FALSE
    True, it is position inward so as to prevent it from being exposed to dangers likely from the loads, moving on the conveyor

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